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Kinda getting off topic a bit. But regarding what we value in society, our economic incentives visibly reward some pursuits over others. It can be simplified by the mantra that “what gets measured gets managed” and we don’t measure the societal impact of proper parenting, or having good teachers, with a direct economic reward like we do being a doctor.

A lot of people like to rely on the naive idea that our capitalist society somehow has efficient markets. Take a step back and you’ll see that many of our markets are actually very inefficient. Case in point, the January effect, or that our current system provides an incentive to produce a variety of goods in one part of the world, and burn mass amounts of scarce resources shipping them to the other side, while we pay a bunch of workers to sit idly unemployed. Pretty crazy really.

12Isabel October 29, 2011 at 4:37 pm
And anyway, mothers, nurses and teachers have always been put on a MASSIVE pedestal by society. This type of thinking won’t harm them one jot.

13YOHAMI October 29, 2011 at 4:43 pm

And anyway, mothers, nurses and teachers have always been put on a MASSIVE pedestal by society.

Not since feminism.

14Isabel October 29, 2011 at 5:00 pm

Not really. Less so since feminism which is good IMO because women shouldn’t be made to feel as though those three areas are the holy grail of womanhood. Everything has its place and role. They still enjoy that pedestal though. I mean, why else would we still stigmatise spinsters and women who openly dislike children if the opposite was considered bad?
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